What foods are really triggering your IBS or other gut issues?

February 18, 2021

ibs food triggers

Figuring out what your IBS food triggers are can be hard. If you have other gut health issues, figuring out those triggers can also be challenging.

Many times people assume that it is the last food they ate before their symptoms started. With some gastrointestinal issues (GI), this may be an accurate assumption.  For figuring out IBS food triggers, it may not be an accurate assumption.

So how do you figure it out?

Having a diagnosis from your doctor of what is wrong with your GI system such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), gastroparesis, celiac disease, SIBO, EoE, is a great first step.  Or evening having certain conditions have been ruled out can help.  Both of these often help narrow down the list of what your likely food triggers are.

If you don’t have a diagnosis yet…

Perhaps you’re in that frustrating stage where you don’t have a diagnosis.  In that case, keeping a food and symptom log can help your healthcare team figure out what’s going on.

For instance, if your symptoms are in your stomach it’s often foods or ingredients that are consumed within a few hours that are the ones we need to consider. If your symptoms are lower down in your gastrointestinal tract, it may be as long as 12 to 36 hours before your body reacts to something you’ve eaten.

Do this important step!

You really need to keep a food & symptom log.  I know this may seem like a daunting task, especially when you’re not feeling well. I’ve had to do it myself and know that it’s often the last thing you have the time, energy, or inclination to do.  You just want your “cranky” gut to stop interfering with your life!

Keeping a food and symptom log, however, is vitally important to helping your healthcare team (especially your dietitian!) understand what is happening in your body and helping you to discover what your food triggers are.

What format is best?

There are many options available to you for keeping your log: paper, a spreadsheet, a “word” document, a note taking app, or one of the many food tracking apps out there.

What’s the best? The one you will be able to use consistently for at least 5 days!

I don’t recommend a specific log because there are so many choices out there and the options are always changing. A simple notebook or note taking app may be best for you. Or an app that works for the device that is nearly always with you.

What is very important to include in your food & symptom log

Whatever format you choose for your log, there are several pieces of information that are important to include in your log.  Not including them is like asking someone to tell you what’s happening in a picture when they can see only a small part of the image.

I’ve put all the details about what to keep in your log (and why!) in my free guide.  Download yours now by clicking here!

Why an expert needs to see your food and symptom log

Over the years I’ve helped many people who’ve attempted to solve their gut health challenges using something they’ve read on the internet, in a book, or in a handout they received from a well-intentioned provider who was not a registered dietitian nutritionist trained in how foods and gut health conditions interact.

Unfortunately, this information is often out of date, inaccurate, or considered only one aspect of the issue.  Monash University, the leader in research for the FODMAP approach to managing IBS, stresses the importance of having an experienced registered dietitian nutritionist trained in identifying IBD food triggers as part of your care team. The recommendation to see one often gets left out of the discussion in a busy medical office.

At the time these people started working with me, they were excluding many foods. A few of the people were at serious risk of developing nutrient deficiencies. All of them were finding eating less pleasurable and it was negatively affecting their quality of life.

By working with me, I was able to use my knowledge and systematic approaches to help them discover what was truly bothering them, expand the range of foods they could eat, manage their GI issues, and enjoy life more.

Take the next step!

Ready to see if I can help you? Set up an appointment or a free discovery call with me to see how my expertise can benefit you. Your insurance may even cover part or all of the cost!


Lisa Garcia_Name Mark_RDN+Health Coach_Color_1200

Having personally struggled with weight and gut health issues, I understand how easy it is to think that food is the enemy especially with the changes our bodies undergo as we age.  It doesn’t have to be that way!

I love using my extensive education and coach approach to help people realize it is possible to feel better and be healthier while still enjoying their life and food.

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